Eateries near the Conference Venue

We can recommend both Gullhaug Square and Storo Mall, which have many eateries. In Addition, here is a list of some of the great places you can go and buy your coffee, lunch or dinner: 

Here is a list of some of the great places you can go and buy your coffee, lunch or dinner:



Godt Brød Nydalen Torgbygget

Address: Nydalsveien 33 


Baker Hansen

Address: Nydalsveien 33



Joe & The Juice

Address: Vitaminveien 7-9


Costa Coffee 

Address: BI, Nydalen allé 


The Coffee Distillery 

Address: Vitaminveien 9



Peppes Pizza 

Address: Nydalsveien 36


Nydalen Pizza & Grill 

Address: Nydalen allé 19


Los Tacos Storo

Address: Vitaminveien 11


Johnny Rockets

Address: Vitaminveien 11


Fly Chicken

Address: Vitaminveien 31